Cyber City Oedo 808 Fan-Art

By Valkyrie
Cyber City Dagger ___________~;\(=======+
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Original Charas

Characters that do not belong to Cyber City, but are original charas that my friends and I have devised and created that have or will be used in Cyber City fanfics and or manga

Helena's Cheeky Xmas Card

from Helena


Leaving the City

The City

Helena copyright
to Marie Bird

Helena, Rouge,

Helena, Rouge,
to Marie Bird

Helena copyright
to Marie Bird

Helena copyright
to Marie Bird

Lena & Feral
Feral copyright
to V.Wells
Lena copyright
to L.Holmes

Akuma copyright
to P.Wells

Some of these are characters have been conceived and written/yet to be written into Cyber City Fanfics, they are copyright to their respected owners, but they did give me permission to draw them! ^_^

About Helena: While not an original Cyber City character, she has been created to be used in the Cyber City world through fanfiction and artwork, she's no newcomer to this site though! She's a cop and has known Hasegawa since she was a little child as her dad once worked with him in their rookie days. Now she is all grown up and is working for Hasegawa and the Oedo Cyber Police department, she also seems to have taken a fancy to Oedo's foul-mouthed, authority hating, ex-crim turned cyber cop, ..yep Sengoku, (is she mad I hear you say, maybe, maybe not, ...but there's a lot more to this woman than meets the eye!) ^_^

Here is a Cyber City Oedo 808 Ascii Art(yes that means a whole bunch of dots and lines and dashes to you! ^_^), it's quite a pic isn't it, very hard work too, esp. putting in the colour codes(what a headache)! ^_^
(It's been shrunk down a size or two, to make it easier to see, it's quite big otherwise!)
Scroll down to see please! ^_^
This may not display the same on all browsers as font size and settings may differ from computer to computer!

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Eddie Bauer
Cyber City Oedo 808 Fan Art by Valkyrie
The comments contained within these pages are mine and I like them *grin* :)
This page bought to you by Valkyrie's Automated Homepage Writer(tm) © Valkyrie 1996-2013

Copyright Marie E. Bird 2013