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Welcome to Valkyrie's Homepage, bought to you in black and white and vArIoUs shades of grey! Please do not adjust your set, your eyes have turned grey because I have control over your mind, okay!!! ^_- Any other colours you should see are therefore a figment of your imagination! (I have implemented mouseover effects on a few of the graphics on this page, discover them and read what they say in the status bar of your browser(p.s. I change them every so often.))
25 October 2013
After having an amazing year and losing 36kg and getting all healthy and nice and fit and going to the gym and all, I found myself being knocked back severely by a particularly rough ordeal by way of a freaky emergency bowel operation, I barely made it through... :0 Holey moley!I ended up with an Illeostomy. I am recovering slowly but surely and am waiting till I get back to work and have some normal semblance of a life... it's hit me pretty hard, but I'm tough and I don't go down easily! I'll get myself back to fighting fit in time! :) *thinks positive* (Check out the cool artwork! Artpages!) This page will be updated on a random note, recovery is slow -_- | ||
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* Here is a little something about ME * I've been surfing the net for about 19 years now, ..mAdNeSs!! ...here is my old ascii NSL (Net Surf License) ^_^
* Hey all, I have had my homepage added to Nebula Search, 808 article |
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* Check out my FRIENDS homepages,
they have their own style and charm .....like these few for instance: * I am very pleased to announce a brand new homepage by a wonderfully talented person! It is of course Vanessa Wells homepage, with some wonderful artwork to keep you amazed and amused! ^_- Vanessa's WithBits Homepage ^_^ Her equally talented partner, Jerry's Homepage * The very excellent Cyber City Oedo 808 homepage, it has all you ever wanted to know and more on this cool anime. The site owner has asked to borrow one of my cco fanworks to put on his front page, how cool is that!!! ^_^ *Check out a cool fanfic by Joules Taylor, it's from Cyber City Oedo 808. It's a backstory(like when they are younger) about Sengoku meeting the sexy minx Helena for the first time. I've done a series of illustrations for it(*six in all, yeah!*), so go look in thanks. ^_^ (gentle warning course language and adult material(R18)) * Please visit Joules homepage site WordWrights Showcase they are an incredibly talented writing team.(Joules and Ken Taylor). Joules has written a story about my Dragonboy(Dahga) painting which I did for her birthday and now I have drawn the Unicorn boy(Vicca) who is also an integral part of the story! Please read Flight and Fancy, this is an adult story so it is somewhat raunchy, but it is also a very good read! ^_^ She also has a very adult manga and fanfiction site called the Zone(in which I have some work there too), but you need to be 18 years or older to get the special access from her to enter it. ^_- | |
Elfwood Galleries* Here's My Elfwood Fantasy Gallery, this is where I'll display any drawings and artworks(my stuff) related with fantasy. I also have a section in the FanQuarter section there as well.Michael K. Cole, Vanessa Wells and a few other nice people have since left Elfwood, I'm a bit sad about that -_- I wish them all the best! They are very cool people and fabulous artists ^_^ Odds and Ends* My husband Obsidion has set up a site called Henree's Page .....the *last* Neanderthal, stop by, it's a neat tribute to a guy that probably never was, or was he...?!? :)* Or why not check out his RAT PACK tale A rats tale about two furry creatures and their adventures in rural NZ of the future. ^_^ *This is the website of Arrow Computers From the cool guy that I bought all my cool computer system and Wacom Graphire tablet and pen, thanks Aaron, I am so thrilled! ^_^ Another nice friend! *Check out Sparkles homepage, it's one of the cute ones! ^_^ |
*GUESTBOOK*I really appreciate your feedback and thoughts, thanks! :) Sign My Guestbook ![]() |
UNICORN QUEST : it is a typing tutor program created by Ann and Rob Ewan.
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A few Dunedin(yes my hometown) Web-sites of interest
(: Links to my all-time FAV music group EVER!!! :)(Hey I was a young teen once!)
My Drawings of Donny and Marie
Osmond Homepages
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